With all the excitement around The Standard #1 being released worldwide in January, and the promotional overdrive mode I’ve kicked into for that, I almost forgot to make one other little announcement.  On the weekend of Saturday 17th October-Sunday 18th October, I’ll be attending Thought Bubble 2012 in Leeds!

I’m really excited about this con, actually.  I’ve never even got to attend as a fan, but from what I’ve heard from people who have been, it could very well be the UK’s best comic con.  The guest list is incredible, and there promises to be a large number of comic fans in attendance.

I’ll be selling copies of The Standard, Volume 1, the graphic novel collecting the first 3 issues of the series.  I’ll also have additional goodies such as prints and T-shirts available – limited supply of those, though, so hurry while stocks last!  I’ll be at table 72 in Armouries Hall, sharing wth Glasgow League of Writers compatriot Gary Chudleigh and artist Graeme Kennedy of Obscure Reference Comics, who will be debuting the 3rd and final issue of their ace thriller series Villainous at the con.

But that’s not all!  Thought Bubble will also mark the worldwide debut of GLoW 2, the second anthology from the Glasgow League of Writers.  The theme this time round is horror, and I have a couple of gruesome tales in the collection.  Stop by the table to pick up a copy!

This is my last con of 2012, and I plan on ending the year on a high.  If you’re attending Thought Bubble, stop by the table, say hello, and check out The Standard if you haven’t already.  I hope to see you there!